Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas too?

The late NYU professor, Neil Postman, wrote a frighteningly accurate book called "Amusing Ourselves to Death. "  He discusses how our culture has become one of narcissistic self gratification and amusement.  

He's right.  But, too bad there aren't just a few things we can protect from Christmas.   The king of the universe decides to come to Earth and we decide to make up a story about a portly hypoglycemic  cat burgler that brings joy to all the children of the world. 
It is amazing how our amusement has spread to our interpretation of reality and what is offensive to others.  We can say happy holidays --or my favorite, seasons greetings--but we don't want to hurt any feelings with a merry Christmas.   Personal preferences have no impact on reality.  Unfortunately,  preferences are often based on what amuses instead of things that matter.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Sleep is an amazing thing, a basic necessity, like breathing.   When it is gone,  it is even more amazing how mean we become.   My favorite is waking up telling my wife, "I may have been a little nasty last night, but I don't remember. "